HYCOM + NCODA Global 1/12° Analysis (GLBa0.08/expt_91.1) |
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System DescriptionThe system is configured for the global ocean with HYCOM 2.2 as the dynamical model. Computations are carried out on a mercator grid between 78°S and 47°N (1/12° equatorial resolution). A bipolar patch is used for regions north of 47°N. The horizontal dimensions of the global grid are 4500 x 3298 grid points resulting in ~7 km spacing on average. There are 32 vertical layers (see blkdat.input). Bathymetry is derived from a quality controlled NRL DBDB2 dataset. Surface forcing is from NAVy Global Environmental Model (NAVGEM) version 1.2 and includes wind stress, wind speed, heat flux (using bulk formula), precipitation. For additional details on the model configuration such as layer reference densities time steps, advection scheme, mixing etc. see blkdat.input. Previous real-time versions of HYCOM + NCODA Global 1/12° Analysis (GLBa0.08-90.X) used NOGAPS atmospheric forcing. This presentation documents some validation metrics comparing NOGAPS-forced HYCOM against NAVGEM-forced HYCOM for a contemporaneous time period. The bottom line: the score card data indicate that NAVGEM forcing results in an improved HYCOM. Notes:
Data AssimilationThe system uses the Navy Coupled Ocean Data Assimilation (NCODA) system (Cummings, 2005, Cummings and Smedstad, 2013) for data assimilation. NCODA uses the model forecast as a first guess in a 3D variational scheme and assimilates available satellite altimeter observations (along track obtained via the NAVOCEANO Altimeter Data Fusion Center) satellite and in-situ Sea Surface Temperature (SST) as well as available in-situ vertical temperature and salinity profiles from XBTs, ARGO floats and moored buoys. MODAS synthetics are used for downward projection of surface information (Fox et al., 2002).
Operational DetailsThe system ran daily at the NAVO HPC and generated a 4 day hindcast and a 7 day forecast. The data was made available (typically) within two days after the model run via servers located at the Center For Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS), Florida State University (FSU). The HYCOM format archive files were converted to CF 1.0 compliant NetCDF files using standard HYCOM post-processing package. These files contain diagnostic output at standard Levitus depth levels for several variables including: currents, temperature and salinity. The archive files are snapshots. Detailed Information