What is the difference in the GLBy/GLBv/GLBu grids? |
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GLBy0.08 grid is 0.08 deg lon x 0.04 deg lat that covers 80 S to 90 N. GLBv0.08 grid is 0.08 deg lon x 0.08 deg lat between 40S - 40 N. Poleward of 40 S / 40 N, the grid is 0.08 deg lon x 0.04 deg lat. It spans 80 S to 90 N. GLBu0.08 grid is 0.08 deg lon x 0.08 deg lat that covers 80 S to 80 N. NOTES:(2018-Dec-08): GLBu grid outputs have been turned off. (2018-Dec-13): GOFS 3.1 currently makes both GLBv and GLBy files, with the intent that GLBv will be turned off once FNMOC makes sure all downstream products can deal with GLBy grid files. |