This tool converts longitude,latitude values to HYCOM i,j values. The tool hycom_lonlat2ij in the HYCOM source distribution requires one latitude value, one longitude value, and the respective grid.a file for the HYCOM model you are working with.
hycom_lonlat2ij - Usage:
hycom_lonlat2ij lon lat [grid.a]
hycom_lonlat2ij [grid.a] < lonlat.txt
Prints the nearest HYCOM p-grid point to lon,lat. A single lon,lat can be specified on the command line, or a sequence of lon,lat pairs can be input from stdin. grid.a is a hycom grid file, default regional.grid.a. Note that the corresponding grid.b must also exist. This version for "serial" Unix systems. Written by Alan J. Wallcraft, Naval Research Laboratory, November 2001.
hycom_latlon2ij is in the 2.2.18_ALL.tar.gz bundle, from hycom/ALL/bin/hycom_lonlat2ij.F:
C hycom_lonlat2ij - Usage: hycom_lonlat2ij lon lat [grid.a]
C hycom_lonlat2ij [grid.a] < lonlat.txt
C hycom_lonlat2ij_area - Usage: hycom_lonlat2ij_area lon lat [grid.a]
C hycom_lonlat2ij_area [grid.a] < lonlat.txt
C Prints the nearest HYCOM p-grid point to lon,lat.
C The _area varient adds grid point's cell area and cell area statistics
C A single lon,lat can be specified on the command line,
C or a sequence of lon,lat pairs can be input from stdin.
C grid.a is a hycom grid file, default regional.grid.a.
C Note that the corresponding grid.b must also exist.
In the rectilinear part of the grid (south of 47N) i is independent of latitude and j is independent of longitude:
ajax 189> hycom_lonlat2ij 90 0
199 1505
ajax 190> hycom_lonlat2ij 90 30
199 1898
ajax 191> hycom_lonlat2ij 0 30
3574 1898
North of 47N this isn't the case:
ajax 192> hycom_lonlat2ij 90 70
552 3084
ajax 193> hycom_lonlat2ij 90 80
825 3206
ajax 194> hycom_lonlat2ij 0 80
3459 2995