2011 Layered Ocean Model Users' Workshop |
LOM 2011
The fifteenth workshop for users of layered ocean models will be held in Miami, FL at the University of Miami's Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences from Monday February 7 through Wednesday February 9, 2011. A 1/2-day HYCOM-specific meeting will be held Wednesday afternoon.
The focus of this year's workshop is on "Ocean prediction and tracer transport"; the workshop, however, is open to a wide range of topics, see http://lom.rsmas.miami.edu/call-for-papers.php for examples.
All interested parties are cordially invited to attend. As in the past, we require that those who wish to make a presentation (oral or poster) have hands-on experience with layered models, defined here as models that allow layer vertical grid spacing to vary in time by casting the continuity equation as a prognostic equation for layer thickness. Although such models have traditionally been isopycnic, presentations on other Lagrangian or arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) formulations are welcome.
Future announcement about the workshop can be found on http://lom.rsmas.miami.edu. We look forward to seeing many of you in Miami in February 2011.
The Workshop Organizers:
Rainer Bleck, NASA / GISS
Eric Chassignet, Florida State University
Zulema Garraffo, SAIC / NOAA/EMC
Robert Hallberg, NOAA / GFDL Princeton University
Harley Hurlburt, Naval Research Laboratory
Mohamed Iskandarani , RSMAS / University of Miami