Home FAQs Did you know there are days missing data?
Did you know there are days missing data? Print
Yes. We are aware that some days (early on in the GLBa0.08 model runs) are missing data. Without interpolation there is no way for us to fill in these data gaps. There are times when the daily Global Ocean Forecast System does not run due to computer issues, problematic input data sources, or other unforeseen problems. The following days are known to be missing data from the GLBa0.08 model, spanning multiple experiments (see GLBa0.08 Documentation here):
Checking files in current directory...
START: 2003 307 (20031103)
archv.2003_327_00_*.nc (20031123 data is missing) 
archv.2005_001_00_*.nc (20050101 data is missing) 
archv.2005_005_00_*.nc (20050105 data is missing) 
archv.2005_006_00_*.nc (20050106 data is missing) 
archv.2005_007_00_*.nc (20050107 data is missing) 
archv.2005_008_00_*.nc (20050108 data is missing) 
archv.2005_009_00_*.nc (20050109 data is missing) 
archv.2005_010_00_*.nc (20050110 data is missing) 
archv.2005_011_00_*.nc (20050111 data is missing) 
archv.2005_012_00_*.nc (20050112 data is missing) 
archv.2005_013_00_*.nc (20050113 data is missing) 
archv.2006_133_00_*.nc (20060513 data is missing) 
archv.2007_073_00_*.nc (20070314 data is missing) 
archv.2007_074_00_*.nc (20070315 data is missing) 
archv.2007_089_00_*.nc (20070330 data is missing) 
archv.2008_032_00_*.nc (20080201 data is missing) 



This is a demonstration product from the HYCOM Consortium and is provided as is. HYCOM Consortium does not warrant or suggest that this data is fit for any particular purpose. Further, neither COAPS nor HYCOM consortium guarantees availability, service updates, or timely data delivery.

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