HYCOM + NCODA Global 1/12° Analysis |
- GLBa0.08
- Native hycom .[ab] data converted to NetCDF on native Mercator-curvilinear HYCOM horizontal grid and interpolated to 33 z-levels. The following (11) variables/fields (CF Standard Names) are provided:
surface_downward_heat_flux_in_air (aka: qtot)
water_flux_into_ocean (aka: emp, surface water flux)
surface_temperature_trend (aka: surface temperature trend)
surface_salinity_trend (aka: surface salinity trend)
sea_surface_elevation (aka: ssh, sea surface height)
ocean_mixed_layer_thickness (aka: mld, ILT)
ocean_mixed_layer_thickness (aka: mlp, MLT)
sea_water_salinity (aka: salinity)
sea_water_potential_temperature (aka: temperature, potential temperature)
eastward_sea_water_velocity (aka: u, u-velocity)
northward_sea_water_velocity (aka: v, v-velocity)
- GLBu0.08
- Native hycom .[ab] data converted to NetCDF interpolated to a uniform 0.08 degree lat/lon grid between 80.48S and 80.48N and interpolated to 40 standard z-levels. The following (5) variables/fields (CF Standard Names) are provided:
sea_surface_elevation (aka: surf_el, SSH, sea surface height)
water_temp (aka: in-situ temperature, Water Temperature)
sea_water_salinity (aka: salinity)
eastward_sea_water_velocity (aka: water_u)
northward_sea_water_velocity (aka: water_v)